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03.16.2005 -

thought of the day: ever let go of a balloon and wonder where it goes? i always thought it'd reach some height where the air was too thin or it was too hot from the sun and it'd pop. turns out that balloons actually land somewhere. got this article from yahoo: Calif. Students' Balloon Ends Up in N.C.. Elementary school students who launched a helium balloon to study weather patterns were astonished when it ended up on a farm in North Carolina. what those kids did is one of the things i wish i could've done.

cs184 midterm scores were release today. horrible... sigh... 41/72. soooo horrible. but i came outta that midterm feeling like that too, so it wasnt much of a surprise.

thanks to mechy for giving us tickets to The Ring Two prescreening. unfortunately, he had to flake out on us. that bastard! movie was fun, but seemed more like a comedy than a horror flick. maybe because we were watching it with a bunch of rowdy college students. there were many places where they came outta nowhere and scared you. but there wasn't really anything that was horrifying below the skin. the story of samara does get revealed more and i guess it gave it a nice closure to everything. afterwards, decathanerd, cari, ohfuee, and i hit up nations for a midnite (okay, it was more like 2-3am) snack, which i ended up having a big tummyache when i got home. nothing too bad tho, problem was fixed after taking a dump.

got this article from /. : Hitachi unveils 'fastest robot'. Japanese electronics firm Hitachi has unveiled its first humanoid robot, called Emiew, to challenge Honda's Asimo and Sony's Qrio robots. a nice comparison between what 3 companies' robots can do and can't do.

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