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03.03.2005 -

thought of the day: got a question for you all out there. do u prefer m&m plain or m&m peanuts? i prefer the plain because i'm a big fan of chocolate. peanuts just take up space in the m&m back and the m&m count is like 30% of what the plains have. im not saying i dislike peanuts, nor that i dont think they go well w/ chocolate. what i mean is if i wanted peanuts, i'd buy a bag of peanuts. handful of plains + handful of peanuts would work out the same. but now i have the option of just eating plain chocolate!

regarding yesterday's thought of the day, ungsunghero has shed some interesting light. rayalom3 had told me earlier the the front of the tongue is in charge of the sweet sensors, which according to the tongue taste map is correct. however, apparently, the tongue taste map is not scientifically proven. in fact, it's generally false. certain areas do have better sense of a certain taste than others, but overall, you can taste anything on any part of your tongue. from The Physiology of Taste - by Tim Jacob, One can conclude that the classical "taste map" is an over simplification. Sensitivity to all tastes is distributed across the whole tongue and indeed to other regions of the mouth where there are taste buds (epiglottis, soft palate), but some areas are indeed more responsive to certain tastes than others. looking @ the Taste transduction, i find that Sour taste is acid and acid is protons (H+). H+ ions block K+ channels. K+ channels are responsible for maintaining the cell membrane potential at a hyperpolarized level (close to the K+ equilibrium potential of around -85mV). Block of these channels causes a depolarization, Ca2+ entry, transmitter release and increased firing in the primary afferent nerve. which can explain why i tasted something sour when i stuck the battery in my mouth. in any basic anode to cathode system ( = a battery), ions are transferred from anode to cathode. the medium changes, of course, from the battery itself to your tongue. and what you're "tasting" is the flow of ions -ungsunghero. Some extra interesting readings: Wine Education Topic: Is the Tongue Taste Map a Myth? and Tongue Taste Map.

got this from yahoo: Stripper Selling Infamous Breast Implant on EBay. article wasn't really that interesting. what i found interesting was: Peaks won notoriety in 1998 when a man sued her and her employer, the Diamond Dolls nightclub in Clearwater, Florida, saying he suffered a whiplash injury when she swung her breasts into his face at a bachelor party. He said they were "like two cement blocks."

got this link from /. : A Concise Guide to the Major Internet Bodies. ever wonder who controls the internet? how do u get a site's ip when you type who is maintaining this and etc. etc. this site gives a concise description of these major playing parties. quite interesting.

thanks to eddo for donating this puzzle: Image Puzzle!. i haven't given this a try yet, but i heard that ie was needed for 1 of the puzzles.

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