Medias of the Moment

Lee Jung Hyun - Wa -Come On-

The God

Beyond the Clouds (Original Mix by Morph)

MADtv - 2004 Presidential Debate

7:35 de la mañana

Gopher Broke

Guard Dog

Little Terrorist



Contraption Edited


thick street boy - 01

thick street boy - 02

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02.26.2002 -

today marks one of the saddest days in my education history. Never had I been so depressed over grades. This may well be the worst week I’ve ever had in Berkeley. I may be cold or abnormal for the past few days and even into next week. Please disregard that me for I’m having an internal turmoil and brain isn’t functioning in normal mode. Sigh, I basically failed all my midterms. Well, I’ve gotten hope and determination and WILL BE WELL PREPARED for Round 2! BRING IT ON!!!

Was hoping to bring u a better story today, but not really in the mood. Maybe tomorrow. =(

Actually, I’ll post up a very this really cute clip of a kitty. Been on my hard drive for some time and now I don’t even recall where I got it from. Hope you’ll enjoy it. ^_^x

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