Medias of the Moment

Lee Jung Hyun - Wa -Come On-

The God

Beyond the Clouds (Original Mix by Morph)

MADtv - 2004 Presidential Debate

7:35 de la mańana

Gopher Broke

Guard Dog

Little Terrorist



Contraption Edited


thick street boy - 01

thick street boy - 02

©opyright 2003


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04.05.2002 -

Psych midterm is over!!! Yay!~ Remember about precision and accuracy in chem? Well, mecha and I have a somewhat high precision, but we both believe our accuracy was low since both of us felt worse coming out of this midterm than our first one and our first one we both got 50% (F). Well, I got lower, but that’s not the point. Hehe.

Christina and Connie came up to visit today (separately tho, so it was a coincidence). Pictures will come later.

So tired… 6:20am gotta sleep. Maybe I’ll add more tomorrow… g’nite ^_^zzz

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