Medias of the Moment

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03.04.2002 -

something very weird happened today. As I was sitting in Math53 lecture and doing my hw, suddenly a bunch (is that the correct word to use? Group? Band? Ponytail? Whatever) of hair came flying back and landed on my paper. I was going to ask that person to move it, but suddenly everything got weird. I looked up and for a slight moment, I thought it was her. Similar hair, similar ears, similar earrings, even similar clothes. Head was just a bit smaller though. For the remainder of the class, I was trying to catch a glimpse of her face, but she sat in front of me so it was difficult. When class was finally over and she turned around to get up, and to my disappointment, her face didn’t resemble hers at all. Oh well.

Now that I’ve talked about her, here’s a picture my friend goshtic sent me which I thought was a picture of a really cute & beautiful girl which somewhat resembles darryl’s roommate’s poster, but mines prettier.

For those System of a Down fans, my friend bahamut-x found a hilarious clip that I think you will enjoy.

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