Medias of the Moment

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11.06.2002 -

once again, today was just all about school and work. trying to finish as much as i can before i return home for the 3-day weekend. ^_^x well, registration for next semester's classes did start today for me. 2 down, 2 more to go. ^_^x

i'm so hooked on a new anime song! you guys should check it out. it's the Opening Song for the anime series: Witch Hunter Robin. - download

saw this site through a FW signature. found it to be somewhat funny. link: it looks like a regular math tutor help site where you email him questions and he answers for a fee. however, near the bottom, i noticed this: "Calculus III (Text ISBN 0534359493, odd number only) $4 for each question. At lease $40 each time. Contact me" what i find funny is that it says odd only meaning this person probably has the answers to the odds in a user manual and is charging a minimum fee of $40 which is usually above the cost of the solution manual.

- thanks to esca's donation

welp, i'm not going to mention who told me this, but one of my friends said that his grandmother told his dad that if he 'u know what' too much, his 'thingy' will fall off. ;p (sorry if some of you found this inappropriate.)

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