Medias of the Moment

©opyright 2003


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12.21.2003 -

thanks to lsiymle and other fellow ie (internet explorer) users for telling me that my calvin and hobbes picture didn't load in ie (aka browser from hell). y ppl still use ie, i still have no idea. so, the html code has been fixed to work in ie now. to see the picture, goto my old news.

went out with horacio and ungsunghero today. first went to downtown la and got tacos and horchatas and orange fried chiplike thingies which ungsunghero has yet to disclose what it is. good stuff and cheap food. we walked around for a bit and then enter chinatown where horacio attempted to search for a pair of pants in the masses. unfortunately his search was unsucessful. horacio then drove us to officemax where each of us picked up a far (free after rebate) ms basic optical mouse. we then drove back to horacio's place and watched the end of the 49ers vs eagles, which ended up a really good game where teh 49ers had a good comeback. then we came back to my place where horacio got to leech my anime, i got to help someone do their hw, and ungsunghero got to make fun of my ibm optical mouse which i still disagree with him and think the ibm optical mouse is a pretty good mouse. afterwards i went to cari's place and picked up my lcd (once again, thanks to decathanerd for taking it down for me). the 3 of us met up again and went to play tennis. ungsunghero ended up whooping our asses as predicted and i ened losing to both of them. then we got wienerschnitzel 3 for $3 and watched titanic on nbc while we ate dinner. had a great day. (^_^x)

thanks to belldandy for donating this link What is bluejacking?. very funny.

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