Medias of the Moment

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02.14.2004 -

such a long day... woke up @ 10:30am. worked on cs162 design doc from 11am to 4am (yes, 17hrs with probably 2.5hrs of break for lunch and dinner). 3 day weekend turned out to be only 2. sigh...

supposedly elbandmonkey is up here in berkeley. havent seen him yet. hope i get to see him before he heads back for ucsd. (^_^x)

thanks to cari for donating this link: Tokyo Plastic Drum Machine. pretty kewl animation. should chk out their main site too if u havent seen it yet! Tokyo Plastic

so tired. 6:20am. going to call it a nite. g'nite (^_^x)zzZZ

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