Medias of the Moment

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05.15.2002 -

guess what!!! My kenshin dvds finally arrived. W00h00!!! I’m so happy. Me so happy. I’m so happy! ALSO: Didn’t have much idea so for the Pic of the Week, so I asked my friend liam to help me out. You should go check it out.

What is Free Will?
Recently my suitemates were debating if human’s have free will. The debate went somewhere along the lines of this:
Cunndogg: free will is basically our choices.
Liam: our decisions are altered depending on the environment and the past, therefore it’s not free will since factors can affect our decision.
Cunndogg: the fact he chose means it was free will. He could’ve chosen either one, and having that choice and making a decision equals to free will.
Liam: you don’t make a choice based on nothing. Like one day you decide you wanted to research on your religion that your parents had, you don’t just randomly do it, there must’ve been factors that affected you to make the decision. Say that Sam wants to learn more about his jewish background. Why? Probably because he was shown how rich the jewish culture was one day and that excited him. He wouldn’t go studying some other religion for no reason.
Cunndogg: the fact that he had a choice of researching and not to research is free will. He has the choice of going to study any religion he wants to, but factors just made it more likely that he’ll study jew because he was part jewish.
Liam: that’s the point I’m trying to make. Because he was part jewish and maybe he recently discovered more about his jewish background, he felt more inclined to study it which means it was not free will.
Cunndogg: I get what you’re saying, but I guess it all comes down to:

What is Free Will?

My psych teacher gave me this quote:
Transcend the past.
Transform the present.
Make the future.

I’ll go into further details tomorrow.

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