Medias of the Moment

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01.11.2004 -

i have completed the story on the dotfoto album. mktenniscap sent more pix so i might upload those in a bit too.

now im going to continue yesterday's story. so where was i, o yah we found ungsunghero's apartment complex. we were in a race against time. him to fedex and me to a restroom. we got to fedex in time before the final ground shipment was shipped out for the day. however, i didn't make it... j/k ;p. thinking of it, where did i goto the restroom. oh yah. we then went straight to the quick loopy loop tour of ucsd. i've gotta say, ucsd is way bigger than i imagined. they've just finished a 6th college and building a 7th. plus tons of constructions of new buildings, plus they all have COOL DESIGNS. chk out the geisel libary pick i took. ucsd even has their own power plant. im jealous now! stanford has their own too. berkeley needs one!!! afterwards, we went back to ungsunghero's pad and i've gotta say, that is one sweet pad. total college guy pad. tons of kewl & sexy posters, maxims everywhere, big screen tv + ps2 + xbox + dreamcast, foosball table, and the list goes on and on. it's a pimp house. the only thing missing were the girls. they must've done some really good convincing to get them to stay away the whole time horacio and i were there. so we were playing on the xbox. horacio begins unlocking stuff from dead or alive: extreme volleyball and ungsunghero keeps on saying this game actually has some good gameplay with his eyes glued to the screen. we went to TGI Fridays (where appetizers are half off after 10pm). that's when i first learnt that kuo has became a alcoholic over summer. he even paid for ungsunghero's drink so he wouldn't have to drink alone. mktenniscap dropped in later and joined in the drinking. went home and more chat and games and finally hit the sack @ 3ish. next morning, kuo went to study @ the library due to upcoming mcat. sigh... i feel sorry for all those who will be taking it this coming april. *shivers* we went to porky land for lunch. good food, large portions, cheap price. what else can u ask for? we then got the extended tour of ucsd (where we actually walked around). once again, i'm still super amazed at how big the campus is. we finally ended our trip by dining @ claim jumpers. i was still very stuffed from lunch so horacio and i splitted a entre. kuo again drank of course. he had 2 drinks (double what he had last nite). i was shocked when the bill came. this was the first time that my total was $10 or below including tax and tip. usually claim jumper = minimum of $20 for me. hehe. we ended the nite seeing 3 limos outside of in-n-out. we assumed they were coming back from their winter formal and got the late nite munchies. the hardest part of this trip was saying goodbye. *sniff* i had such a fun time.

thanks to msticazn for donating this pic:

click to enlarge

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