Medias of the Moment

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03.27.2003 -

decided i had nothing to use my bw last nite while i was watching naruto, so 2 new albums have been uploaded to dotPhoto. they're both short/small tho. ebjoy! these include my tennis pix and my boomers pix.

i also filled out 6 rebates last nite. 4 for my lexar memory stix and 2 for my WD 175GB HD. took awhile, but that's $170 in rebates right there.

dad decided to switch over to T-Mobile. got a new fone, not that stylish, but has a color display and cool ring tones. it's the sony ericsson t300. that tmobile guy was stupid and wrote down the wrong # for me. for those who i told xxx-xxx-3088, the actual # is xxx-xxx-7088. i sent out an email to most ppl, but there are a few who i dont have an email for. i also got a few emails no longer work/email box is full errors. so if you dont have my new # yet, im/email me or something. (^_^x)

i have a friend who's really depressed after finding out his grade for winter quarter. anyone know any good ways to cheer up a down friend? thanks in advance! (^_^x)

thanks to esca for donating this joke:

Helpful Hint #1
If you are choking on an ice cube, don't panic. Simply pour a jug of boiling water down your throat and presto! The blockage is almost instantly removed.
Helpful Hint #2

Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away
Helpful Hint #3
Don't buy expensive 'ribbed' condoms, just buy an ordinary one and slip a handful of frozen peas inside it before you put it on.
Helpful Hint #4
Putting just the right amount of gin in your goldfish bowl makes the fishes' eyes bulge and cause them to swim in an amusing manner.
Helpful Hint #5
An empty aluminum cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes a wonderful inexpensive vibrator.
Helpful Hint #6
Avoid arguments with the missus about lifting the toilet seat by simply pissing in the sink.
Helpful Hint #7
High blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a while, thus reducing the pressure in your veins.
Helpful Hint #8
A mouse trap, placed on top on of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep.

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