Medias of the Moment

©opyright 2003


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03.31.2003 -

wow, i'm finally back. bumped into a lotta ppl on my way back. coincidentally we met vic again @ the airport. we also bumped into ohfuee, ghettopink, mmouse and corliss, but i've gotta admit that was cooridinated. ghettopink almost forgot about meeting us. bad i missed most of the keppel gang that came to visit berkeley earlier this week. their plane was leaving @ 10:50am and we arrived @ 10:20 and they had already checked in. ghettopink is leaving tomorrow. darren was going to drive claudia and mmouse to davis later in the day. what remained of the gang + mechy's housemates had lunch @ cafe durant. food was okay, not exceptionally good. oh yah, i've gotta thank liam for drive me and several others back from bart. carrying all that luggage would've taken so much longer. oh yah, pix are uploaded, so click on the dotPhoto link on your left to access the pictures. (^_^x)

spent most of today and yesterday installing my new HD and getting a clean install of windows and other programs. my system is finally back up and running.

new version of YahooPOPS! is finally out!! works much better now. for those that have Yahoo! mail and would like to use pop3, u should chk this program out: YahooPOPS! remember to get version 4.2. still in beta, but yahoo got smart and rendered the previous versions useless.

for those that didnt chk my profile, i now have 2 links:
free sennheiser ear buds
stop telemarketers from calling - CA only
cool buddy icons

btw, watch out for 4/1. it is APRIL FOOLS day! and u know college students just love pulling pranks. (-_^x)

i've allocated most of tomorrow's time to work on my project, so there's a large chance i wont be updating the site tomorrow.

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