Medias of the Moment

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07.06.2003 -

went to anime expo on saturday w/ harrybons and alex. this is my first AX experience and it was awesome! i heard AX2K3 wasn't as good as previous years. for the past 3 yrs it was held @ long beach convention center but durin AX2K2 the audience somehow managed to rip up a $50,000 projection screen by throwing a paper airplane into it. so this year they returned to anaheim convention center. i saw a ton of cosplay and the most popular character was chii from chobits followed by sasuke from naruto. i bumped into a whole lotta ppl during AX: jefftorii, selena, kalekkos, kharizma, ducksauce, mktenniscap, nguy2, crimsonangel, amber, and a couple other ppl who i knew their face yet didnt remember their name which i didn't bother saying hi to. (if i forgot to mention u, gomenasai!) thanks to alex, harrybons and i got around with ease. as newbies we'd never figure out what to do. this year there were only 2 manga artists that were guests. we got to meet Koushi Rikudo, creator of excel saga. harrybons had to get back early so we couldn't watch the masquerade (cosplay contest). but the exhibits and the showings were awesome.

july 4th pix are up and ready to be viewed along with the story. my AX pix are up too, but no story. click on "dotPhoto" on the menu and enjoy!

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