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08.31.2004 -

thought of the day: is a true lie mean a "real" lie? or does it mean that when you made the statement, you thought it was a lie, but later on turned out to be real?

so i'm in the process of moving my server to a more stable host. looks my current server hosting won't be coming back anytime soon. for the time being, u can access my mirror site @ don't forget to check out the previous entries u missed during the outtage.

the camping trip fotos have finally been uploaded and commented: album link. enjoy!

here are the links to the videos of which i took:

thanks to chib for donating this site: Shyper Communications. another free webserver with 100mb of free space and 10gb of bandwidth. no filesize restriction. but beware, my friend's site disappeared after 4 days of hardwork, so remember to back it up!

thanks to windy for donating this pic:

baby sai

thanks to eddo for donating this article: Teenager Shoplifts Winning Lottery Ticket. what an unlucky guy. i would kill myself if i saw the $1 million drift through my hands.

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08.30.2004 -

thought of the day: is even more stupid than i originally thought. i was issuing a refund yesterday and got this error: You are attempting to issue a refund for an order that the buyer has not been charged for yet. can't they just cancel the order if they haven't been charged yet then? instead of waiting for the buyer to be charge than issue a refund then.

welp, i'm back and my server dies. how convenient. already, over 5 ppl have imed me about the outage. anyway school's finally started, and the 1st day went fine. it's scary. just 1 more year...

anyway, i promised to tell you about my fun filled weekend up near Mt. Shasta. we stayed @ a campground near McCloud River called Fowlers. not counting the sunburn (yes, i got sunburnt again. sigh... i need to go out more), the bug bites (i cant believe i'm the only one to get bug bites), and the freezing cold that one nite (i forgot to bring a sleeping bag; don't ask why, i just did. i went to sleep in a tshirt + pants + 2 towels inside a tent when the temperature outside was ~40F), i had the most awesome time!!! i've gotta thank vandel for taking us to this awesome place. the scenary was amazing; words just can't describe it, but you'll be able to see the fotos shortly. there's 2 waterfalls. i'm really not sure how exactly tall they were, but if i had to guess, lower falls was probably 15ft and middle falls was probably 50ft. the kewlest part of this whole trip i've gotta say was jumping from these waterfalls. of course i was too chicken and only jumped off into lower falls (there were actually 2 jumping points, 20ft and 25ft). i had the hardest trouble jumping off the 25ft. and the longer i stared down, the harder it got. i believe it was like 15mins later, where there was actually an audience cheering me on, i finally jumped. u dont know how much courage it took to make that 1st jump. afterwards, it was a breeze. jumping 25ft into the water was so fun! cdmcc, karl, wanderingsocks, and i went up on thursday. with karl's cubscout's skills, we were able to build an awesome fire. later on, we didnt even need lighter fluid! liam, jen, fastscraf arrived friday nite, and vandel arrived on saturday morning. on the bonfire, we cooked hotdogs, sasauges, corn, marshmellows, smores, chicken, and other good stuff. speaking of marshmellows, i've realized there's 2 types of cooked marshmellows people like. some like it to be a bit brown and melty while others like the outside to be burnt a bit black. anyway, while the remainder of us were chickens claiming the water was too freezing cold (it was indeed very cold, i'd say ~40-45F @ 2-3pm), i'd like to give my props to wanderingsocks. only he and vandel were brave enough to take the 60ft jump @ middlefalls. vandel and cdmcc also jumped off the 30ft ledge @ middle falls and cdmcc accidentally chipped his tooth. oh yah, jen. this girl is totally amazing. she was even braver than me! (but that doesnt say much). she was able to jump off the 25ft ledge w/o really needing to prep at all. she's one brave/courageous girl. on sunday, liam and fastscraf had to leave early, but the rest of us went hiking @ Castle Crags State Park. we took a 2.7mile hike upto the top of the mountain. i believe it was a 3000ft ascend. i was so tired and thirsty by the time i got to the top, i collapsed and took a nap on the rocks in the shade. thank god there was an indian spring water about 1/2 way up where we got to refresh ourselves. the climb down wasn't easy either, with very slippery sand and rocks. when we finally reached the parking lot, i was so exhausted i could barely drag myself to the car. we drove to the closes gas station and i down 32oz of gatorade in like 2mins. i downed another 32oz after in-n-out. welp, that pretty much wraps up my camping trip. fotos and videos will probably come tomorrow.

so my new pair of shoes arrived today: New Balance® 609 Cross Trainer. for $20 shipped, i can't complain. (^_^x)

thanks to deadlock for donating these 2 flash videos: Prowlies at the River and Bitey of Brackenwood. here's an article about the artist: NG has the Prowlies / Adam Phillips Strikes Again. the animation is just gorgeous! the tree jumping skills of bitey remind me of naruto.

got these from