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04.19.2002 -

!!! Congrats Michelle & Earl !!!

LsiymLe kooLx (5:25:06 PM): hehe today in academic pep rally, michelle asked earl to the prom in front of everyone =)
Krunk4Ever (5:25:42 PM): neato!
LsiymLe kooLx (5:25:48 PM): yup
Krunk4Ever (5:31:08 PM): what's was earl's reply?
LsiymLe kooLx (5:32:03 PM): lolz well michelle knelt down and asked him...and when she stand back up, earl bent on his knee and said "yes i will"
LsiymLe kooLx (5:32:08 PM): everyone was like "awww"
LsiymLe kooLx (5:32:27 PM): @@ oh yes he got flowers too
Krunk4Ever (5:32:58 PM): nice
Krunk4Ever (5:33:29 PM): thanks :-)
LsiymLe kooLx (5:33:32 PM): np
Krunk4Ever (5:36:58 PM): she or he got flowers?
LsiymLe kooLx (5:37:08 PM): michelle gave him flowers

Krunk4Ever (5:30:17 PM): LsiymLe kooLx (5:25:06 PM): hehe today in academic pep rally, michelle asked earl to the prom in front of everyone =)
Krunk4Ever (5:30:20 PM): true?
el band monkey (5:35:14 PM): YES!!
Krunk4Ever (5:35:17 PM)
: wow
el band monkey (5:35:19 PM): TOTALLY CRAZY
el band monkey (5:35:31 PM)
: it was like..."sorry for this interruption, but is earl kaing in the crowd"
el band monkey (5:35:35 PM)
: and she had flowers
el band monkey (5:35:41 PM)
: and got on her knees to ask
el band monkey (5:40:21 PM)
: it made the whole crowd roar
Krunk4Ever (5:40:39 PM)
: "awesomely cool!"
el band monkey (5:41:02 PM): who is that anyways...up there?
Krunk4Ever (5:41:10 PM)
: my sister
el band monkey (5:41:37 PM): how cute
el band monkey (5:41:43 PM)
: big bro, little sis
Krunk4Ever (5:41:55 PM)
: haha

(further comments from the actual Michelle and Earl will be posted later)

For those that are bored, I’ve updated DotPhoto with 2 more stories. I hope you guys will enjoy them. A little bit of cruel humor involved, but not too much.

I just found out I flunked my Psych midterm #2. Once again, I am lost. I got a 27/50. The mean was 35.5 and the standard deviation was 5. Something just doesn’t make sense. Mechy and I studied 10x harder than we did for the last midterm and we still got the same score. Actually Mechy got lower than his previous midterm and we’re both disappointed. This logic doesn’t work! Doesn’t Study + Hard work = good grades or at least a pass? We actually found that Study + Hard work = Lazy + Last minute cram (what we did 1st semester). Class is fun, but teacher makes the worse midterms ever!!!

Today was my suitemate Liam’s bday. ~HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIAM~ the girls down in 7a20 threw a surprise party for him and I took 140+ pictures which I’ll be posting soon. I wonder if I can make up a story for it. Hehe. G’nite guys.

Oooooh, the MK seniors are coming up tomorrow for calday. One question: how are they going to find me? How am I going to find them? That’s 2 questions actually, but it’s 4:30am after hours of dancing and I have apartment appointments tomorrow. Hehe.

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04.18.2002 -

first to clear up some confusion. The midterm I missed was only optional (not to be graded, more like a practice MT). also, about the mouse, if you haven’t guessed it yet, yes I got it for free. You ever wonder why Microsoft mouse are so expensive? It’s because they usually have a 5year warranty and will ship a replacement w/o the hassle of you sending it back. I had a Intellimouse w/ Intellieye before, but they realized that was a bad model and discontinued it. Now instead, they upgraded mines to an Intellimouse Optical which has 2 extra buttons. Hehe. ^_^x

Went and got a free jamba juice today @ 9am. The wait time was ~1hr. skipped 4 classes today. Decided to sleep in and then woke up @ 3:30pm. I’m actually proud about what I accomplished today. Went to the dean’s office and found out my faculty advisor. Went to my faculty advisor and got my advisor code (for signing up for classes). Then I went to Physics Lab and completed it in 1hr (1/2 the time allotted). Wow!

"Whats mine is mine and whats yours is also mine." ~ sano

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04.17.2002 -

5 days ago, Krunk died. All the rumors that he’s been killed, that he stared doing drugs, that he’s dropped out of college, that he’s been eaten, that he’s enter complete depression weren’t too far from the truth. On 4/13/2002 (that date shall be imprinted in Krunk’s mind forever), Krunk became powerless and died. Not one day has Krunk ever felt so weak, so feeble, so frail. For the past 5 days, he’s been wandering around helplessly, looking for his soul. There was no longer meaning in life. He tried to stop and sleep, but there was something missing and he lay wide awake the entire night. But today, Krunk’s been resurrected. God has once again perform a miracle. Krunk was completely intact. What happened???

On Saturday morning when I was in the shower, there was a BOOM! (sounded like a heavy object that fell off my desk as witness damion recalled). When I returned, my computer had magically shut off by itself and there was a scent of something burning. I was like “uh oh…”. Push the power, no response. Thought (actually more like hope) the surge protector popped, but nope, everything was still powered. Push the power button a few more times, but was hopelessly out of luck. After a brief search, I found my power supply had blown its fuse. Then the torture came. I don’t mind using other people’s computers, but my computer is like my soul. I can’t just share it with someone else. My computer lied there lifeless for 5 days and each and every day life got more boring and painful. There was just nothing to do besides watch TV which I got sick of really fast. At night when I was trying to go to sleep, all I heard was the humming of the refrigerator and that annoyed me. Where’s the humming of my computer, the perfect white noise for a computer geek like me. It was a sad tragedy, maybe comparable to a greek tragic epic.
Monday’s mail came: no power supply
Tuesday’s mail came: no power supply
Wednesday’s mail came: FINALLY!!!
I was so happy, I ran home (my dorm) and ripped open the package and installed the baby in. However, happiness always comes with consequences: skipped both my project meeting and midterm for CS. But hey, what in life is free? Hehe.

I also got a new mouse today. Really sleek looking. Click here to check it out. Guess how much it cost? Hehe, I’ll let you guess but won’t tell you the answer. ;p

Oh yeah, I may seem weird for the next couple days, but bear with me. The secret will be revealed on Saturday or Sunday.

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04.12.2002 -

my friend goshtic sent me this link. A funny parody of one of my favorite songs: Harry Chapin - Cats in the Cradle.

Today was great! Went to sleep @ 7am and woke up @ 3pm for class. It’s 6:35am as I speak right now. My whole suite got drunk last nite (well, most of it because when the girls are gone, the guys will play) you should’ve seen their reaction after they took their shots. Everyone claim that their throat was burning and stuff. Very funny.

The remainder of my day wasn’t too exciting. Had some insightful chat with my buddy liam. Sigh. One word: girls. Sigh and sigh some more.

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04.11.2002 -

they’re finally over! YAY!!! Both MTs went pretty smoothly. I hope I did well. And right now, I’m really hungry. Hmmmm, I think I’ll go look for dinner.

Btw, I finally did it. YES!!! Link (click the link to find out what I did) A bit expensive, but worthy to be one of Krunk’s toys.

I recently also realized KOST 103.5 has a live internet station also. The more the merrier! Wished KROQ 106.7 would have a live internet station. The station has been added to the left menu.

Addition: (names have been remove to protect them from something, can’t seem to remember what that something is. hehe)
Guy: Stop hogging all the sheets.
Girl: Stop hogging all the ugly.
Guy: I’ll trade you some ugly for some sheets.
Girl: Deal.

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