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10.20.2004 -

thought of the day: (from elfen lied) Since you yourself are miserable... someone who is more miserable is necessary. when you're feeling like shit and feel that you're the miserable person alive, there's 2 ways to get out of the dump. 1 - believe or make someone else's life more miserable or 2 - have hope and believe in the future.

sorry for not updating for the past few days. hw basically overran over me.

thanks to damion for donating this article: Three UC Berkeley Students Arrested in Drug Raid. "When a dead body just shows up and someone just drops it off, it's kind of suspicious," Rego said. "You can draw your own conclusions. A case like this is very serious." you can find more interesting cal relating articles here: CalStuff. -Berkeley drug using students can rest easy, as "The dozens of names listed on the “Pay-O” sheets are under investigation, Rego said. But because only first names or code names appear on the sheets, there is “not much we can do with it,” he said. "

thanks hkensin for donating this article: Hacker strikes university computer system. A computer hacker accessed names and Social Security numbers of about 1.4 million Californians after breaking into a University of California, Berkeley, computer system in perhaps the worst attack of its kind ever suffered by the school, officials said Tuesday.

thanks to panzer for donating this thread: Modded my bed :). lazy redefined. so one mention how much it'd hurt if that fell and hit his crotch. then someone posted this image. ouch if the monitor actually falls.

thanks to arty for donating this audio file: What really happens when you dial 911.. title says it all.

thanks to maetel for donating this auction: VERY RARE! HAND FORGED JAPANESE KATANA SAKABATOU BLACK - REVERSED BLADE LONG SWORD WITH GLOSS BLACK FINISH. ppl who've watched kenshin sometimes ask me if there really exists sakabatous (reversed blade katanas) and i told them i've only seen them as hobby swords and never mass manufactured. apparently ppl are selling these on eBay (not sure if it's due to kenshin's influence), but they look really nice. IT IS NOT AS SHARP AS AN RAZOR BLADE BUT SHARP ENOUGH TO CHOP A CHICKEN INTO TWO.

got these from