07.12.2003 - went to nguy's bday bbq party! saw a ton of ppl i haven't seen in ages. lemme see if i can remember all of them: nguy (our bday boy, turning 21!), ungsunghero, victor, yancy, carlos, mktenniscap, chi, jessie, kai, geraldine, psychobreed, steve, marcus, tommy, johnny, caitlin, loretta, vinh, kendall, virak, lai, vi, larry and many others which i did not of the names of (DISCLAIMER!!! if i mispelled your name or if i forgot to mention u, please lemme know). party was great. he had a bbq drumsticks, bbq short ribs, egg rolls (150 @ 3 for $1), fried rice, noodles, cream puffs. as for drinks they were all pepsi brand: pepsi, mountain dew, mountain dew: red code, mountain dew: live wire, sierra mist and some caprisun. then there was fruits: watermelon, honey dew, cantelope. and of course there was the CAKE! well, i don't want to ruin too much of this since the photo album will be telling a much better story. click here to continue onto foto album. (DISCLAIMER!!! i make fun of everyone, if u find anything offensive, feel free to request that your picture and/or comment be removed. this is nothing personal, just a fun story i usually give along side w/ my pictures)
prepared to be totally grossed out! flies <-- this is what tu fed us
thanks to sschwartz for donating this movie: carfax prog. hilarious! know your car before u buy it! (-_^x)
thanks to kobashi for donathing this: hikaru no go - one shot. as promised the mangaka (manga artist) has provided us with a small story. u know rumor has it that the magaka got threat mail from korean fans. koreans are a lot better than japanese in go and they were getting pissed off that shindou might win. well, i don't want to ruin the ending of the story for u, but it was horrible. just like T3. once again, this is in chinese so many of u may not understand this. this'll be up for a couple of days.
thanks to fuzzy for donating this picture: totoro minivan. awesome eh?
thanks to kharizma for donating this:
AChan O2: btw i think that's "chillin like a villain"
thanks to slicktran for donating this article: Aaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!. dont say i didn't warn u, but this is SUPER DISTURBING and i crigned over 20x reading it.