12.01.2003 - got back yesterday nite. the trip back from LA took ~8hrs. traffic had its ups and downs throughout the trip. then i met up with alfred and did some review on japanese.
had my oral interview in my jap class today. stuttered way too much, but overall i thought it was okay. but the good thing is it's over now. (^_^x)
thanks to EGM for donating this trailer: MEGA MAN Trailer. as quoted: planet-megaman.com/mmmovie/ Find out what happens when a group of college students make a trailer for a fictional live-action movie based on Capcom's Mega Man. The results are, as they say in the trades, "ghetto fabulous."
thanks to jhchichiri for donating this site: Dynamic Optical Illusions. very interesting and super kewl optical illusions. many of which i've seen and plenty of new ones which i haven't.

try slowly moving the mouse cursor up and down the center of the image - and focus on the cursor.

The idea is to focus on the dot in the centre and then move your head constantly towards and away from the monitor.
thanks to preyx for donating this picture: Rotation. yet another opitcal illusion.
thanks to preyx for donating this site: ZMatrix. does an awesome desktop effect animation:
thanks to js8 for donating this article: Scientists Prove Kansas Flatter than a Pancake. After many hours of programming work, we were able to estimate that Kansas's flatness is approximately 0.9997. That degree of flatness might be described, mathematically, as "damn flat."